2521 2616
Telephone (Office)
2845 0260
14/F and Suite 4401, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Called to the Bar
Hong Kong, 2011
Areas Of Practice
Administrative and Public Law
Commercial Disputes
Family and Private Client
General Crime
Land and Property
Probate/Administrative Action
Tanie’s civil practice focuses on contested matrimonial matters. Her criminal practice involves court appearances for the defence.
Tanie has written an article about pre-nuptial agreements named "Pre-nups and the case for reform: is it worth it?" which was published in the Hong Kong Lawyer (September 2011). Her article was quoted in a newspaper article "Let couples have prenuptial agreements, say lawyers" by the South China Morning Post in November 2011. Tanie held a CPD talk on the topic of pre-nuptial agreements. She was also a speaker together with Mr Giles Surman in a webinar on how Family Law and Criminal Law often intertwine, the overlapping issues and practical challenges.
Tanie holds an LLB (First Class) from the City University of Hong Kong and an LLM from the University of Cambridge. She was called to the Bar in 2011 and has experience both as a junior and individually in various levels of courts from the Magistrates' Court to the Court of Final Appeal. She also represented one of the main building contractors as junior counsel in the Commission of Inquiry into Excess Lead Found in Drinking Water.
Tanie sat as Deputy Adjudicator of the Small Claims Tribunal of Hong Kong in 2018 and 2019.
LLB (Hons), PCLL, City University of Hong Kong
LLM, University of Cambridge
Professional Appointments:
Deputy Adjudicator, Small Claims Tribunal of Hong Kong, 2018, 2019
Member, The Hong Kong Family Law Association
Committee Member, The Hong Kong Bar Association Young Barristers' Committee, 2012 - 2016
Appearances as junior counsel in the Court of Final Appeal:
HKSAR v Li Kwok Cheung George (2014) 17 HKCFAR 319 (led by David Perry QC, Michael Blanchflower SC, Maggie Wong) - a case on whether the offence under s.25(1) of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) has been committed where a person dealt with funds known not to derive from any offence but intended to be used as part of fraudulent conspiracy.
Leung Wing Yi Asther v Kwok Yu Wah (2015) 18 HKCFAR 605 (led by Ashley Burns SC, Maggie Wong) - an appeal representing the Intervenor. The CFA outlined how disputes between a spouse and a third party as to ownership of property in matrimonial proceedings should procedurally be approached.
Appeared as junior counsel in the Court of Appeal:
Keen Lloyd Holdings Ltd and others v Commissioner of Customs and Excise and Anor [2016] 2 HKLRD 1372 (led by Adrian Bell SC, Maggie Wong) - an appeal on the validity of 16 search warrants and the constitutionality of s.21(1)(a) of the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap 60) - remedial interpretation.
LLP v LWYA and KYW CACV 151 & 152/2013 (led by Wong Yan Lung SC, Maggie Wong) - an appeal against determination of a preliminary issue in ancillary relief proceedings.
Yinggao Resources Ltd v Eco Metal (Hong Kong) Ltd & Anor CACV 223/2013 (led by Audrey Eu SC) - an appeal on whether adverse claims existed as required in an interpleader application.
周 對 蔡 [2019] HKCA 540 (led by Maggie Wong SC) - representing the Respondent/Father - opposing the Appellant/Mother's application to adduce fresh evidence.
Appearances in notable cases in the Court of First Instance:
Keen Lloyd Holdings Ltd and others v Commissioner of Customs and Excise and Anor HCAL 113/2012 & 82/2013 (led by Adrian Bell SC) - a 11 day judicial review hearing representing the Applicants challenging the validity of 16 search warrants - whether search warrants can be invalid due to delay in execution arguments on the constitutionality of s.21 of the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap 60) and remedial interpretation of a non-infringing provision (s.22 of the Import and Export Ordinance) - whether seizures pursuant to a search warrant can be disseminated to an overseas law enforcement agency.
MAM v Administrator, Duty Lawyer Service HCAL 79/2014 - representing the Respondent - a case concerning the principles of costs in an application for leave to apply for judicial review disposed of by consent.
Li v Duty Lawyer Service [2015] 1 HKLRD 1005 (led by Peter Duncan SC) - representing the Putative Respondent in a case concerning costs where the Applicant sought to discontinue his application for leave to apply for judicial review.
R v Duty Lawyer Service & PAV v Duty Lawyer Service HCAL 78 & 83/2013; MST v Duty Lawyer Service, SR v Duty Lawyer Service, & MIC v Duty Lawyer Service HCAL 6, 7 & 63/2013 (both cases led by Peter Duncan SC) - representing the Putative Respondent - the Applicants’ applications for leave to apply for judicial review against the Putative Respondent's refusal to assign a specified lawyer to represent the Applicants in their torture claim were dismissed.
MST v Duty Lawyer Service, SR v Duty Lawyer Service, & MIC v Duty Lawyer Service HCAL 6, 7 & 63/2013 (led by Peter Duncan SC) - representing the Putative Respondent in a case concerning costs of the Putative Respondent against the unsuccessful Applicants' leave to apply for judicial review application.
Securities and Futures Commissions v Lam Fai Man (Formerly known as Lin Hui Wen (HCMA 465/2015) (led by Adrian Bell SC) - representing the defendant in an appeal against conviction who was a substantial shareholder of a public listed company and charged with failing to disclose to that company changes in his interest in its shares, as required the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571).
Chan Chi Wah v Lo Chi Keung (as the administrator of the estate of the Deceased) [2019] HKCFI 233 - decision on costs.
Matrimonial cases:
周 對 蔡 [2018] HKFC 75 (Chinese judgment) - representing the Respondent / Father in a four day care and control and access trial concerning a 5 year old child - the Petitioner / Mother was ordered to pay costs to the Father relating to her application to adduce covert surveillance evidence and audio recordings adduced at the trial.
謝 對 李及另一人 [2018] HKFC 142 (Chinese judgment) - representing the Petitioner / Wife in a section 17 MPPO application - costs awarded to the Wife.
麥及張、張、唐 [2020] HKFC 95 (Chinese judgment) - led by Maggie Wong SC) representing the 2nd and 3rd Respondents in a section 17 MPPO application - the Petitioner / Wife's application dismissed with costs awarded to the 2nd and 3rd Respondents.
M, KC formerly known as M, FY v H,A formerly known as H,A [2021] HKFC 201 - representing the Respondent / Husband together with Giles Surman - the Wife’s application for litigation funding - the Wife ordered to pay the costs of her application to the Husband.
Inquiry case:
Commission of Inquiry into Excess Lead Found in Drinking Water (2015 – 2016) – representing for one of the four main contractors in the Inquiry to ascertain the causes of excess lead found in drinking water in Hong Kong public housing estates.
Maggie Wong SC and Tanie Toh, Annotated Ordinance of Hong Kong: Customs and Excise Services Ordinance (Cap 342) (2019)
"Pre-nups and the case for reform: is it worth it?" Hong Kong Lawyer, September 2011, pp.27-36
"Key Issues in Approaching Pre-nuptial Agreements", as speaker for a CPD seminar held by the Legal Professional Courses, 15 December 2011